Sep 04, 2020 by Admin

If you're in school about now, or your final school day was all the way back in the 90s, one thing that hasn't evolved much in India is when we select one of three high school education streams, the big defining moment.

It wasn't an easy task then to choose between Science, Commerce and Arts and it definitely isn't now. But what made it tougher than we thought it had to be, was the one refrain that most parents repeated collectively in the background as we deliberated over our restricted options ...

“Only those who can’t study and get admissions choose Arts.”

 But just have a look at this quote by Michelle Obama, for an opposing view. "The Arts and Humanities define who we are as a people. That is their power ― to remind us of what we each have to offer, and what we all have in common." 

Here are five out of a possible thousand reasons you should choose to study BA;

  1. You learn more than a prescribed syllabus- Studying Arts gives you an insight into the inner workings of all things- be it the world or the human mind. The text is only used as a starting point of reference and you get to know things that will literally blow your minds.
  2. A personal learning environment- Most teachers in the B.A course will go out of the way to make the learning experience all inclusive. They will know you by your name and not simply your roll number. This is more than what most of your peers can claim. You just might up finding your best friend in your teacher.
  3. You have more career options- Contrary to popular belief, getting an Arts degree actually opens up more avenues career wise. It is flexible in that you can decide what you want to do and gain specialisation later. You are not bound by your degree.
  4. It is intellectually challenging- If you want to study something that can challenge your beliefs and preconceived notions then Arts is the way to go for you. Your mind will be working in overdrive almost the entire duration of your education. At every point something new and sometimes scandalous will be introduced to you. Things that will seem mind-boggling at first get clear as day as you go through with your classes.
  5. It is fun- Studying Arts is actually fun. You enjoy studying for your degree. It is not simply just a means to an end. Plus it gets you cool points if you can bring references into everyday conversations. You will be the intellectual thinker of the group who will be looked up to and turned to in times of adversity.

Our country has enough of Engineers, Doctors and Corporate workers. What we need is poets, artists, journalists, lawyers (yup, that falls into the Arts stream too!), (ethical)politicians, dancers etc. We need a future of thinking individuals who are proactive. While studying Arts does not guarantee this, it does nudge you in the right direction. 

If you are situated in and around Odisha, then your search for a quality Arts college can end here. Imperial College is one of the top colleges in Odisha. It offers a great BA programme in a variety of subjects. It also falls among the top 100 colleges in India while standing proudly as the best college for English Honours in Odisha. Students looking at BA colleges in Cuttack are known to gravitate towards Imperial too. If you are looking for an Arts school in Odisha then Imperial College should be your top pick.


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